A member's basic activity is participation in a subcommittee. The content varies slightly depending on each subcommittee, providing useful information to members, such as lectures, company PR, and advisor reports, as well as a place for information exchange between members.
You can register with other subcommittees separately from the regular subcommittee, so you can interact across industries. For details of the latest groupEventPlease check more.
Industry Subcommittee: Held every month (except March, August and December), Regional Subcommittee: Held differently depending on the region
工業部会 / Manufacturing group
Food, Textile, Wood, Pulp, Paper, Chemical, Rubber, Ceramics, Packaging materials, Furniture, Stationery, Toys, Sporting goods, Rubber, Wood, Palm oil, Fisheries, Commodity trading, Oil, Gas
Steel, non-ferrous metals, metal products, machinery, transportation equipment, precision equipment, plants, and other related items
建設部会 / Construction group
金融部会 / Finance group
Every February, a golf tournament is held jointly with the Trade Subcommittee.
貿易部会 / Trade group
Every February, a golf tournament is held jointly with the Financial Committee.
流通サービス部会 / Service group
ペナン部会 / Penang regional group
A joint subcommittee with the Pella Regional Subcommittee is also held once a year.
ペラ部会 / Perak regional group
Held once a year with the Penang Regional Subcommittee, we interact with member companies inside and outside Pella.
マラッカ部会 / Malacca regional group
ジョホール部会 / Johor regional group



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